Book Talk

Violence and Representation in the Arab Uprisings

by Benoît Challand and Emanuel Schaeublin

28.9.23, 18:15-20:00, ETH Main Building


Benoît Challand (Sociology Professor at The New School, NYC) and Emanuel Schaeublin (Anthropologist & Researcher at ETH Zurich) will discuss Benoît’s new book Violence and Representation in the Arab Uprisings (Cambridge University Press 2023)

What can social and political theory learn from the Arab Uprisings starting in 2011? How can we situate these events in a historically evolving relationship between people and the “state”? What can democracy movements worldwide learn from the recent experiences of Yemen and Tunisia? Benoît Challand teaches Sociology at The New School for Social Research in New York city. His other major works cover themes such as the politics of aid and foreign assistance in politically repressive contexts in the Arabic-speaking Middle East and political imagination, myth, memory and identity in Europe.

The event is organised by the Swiss Society for the Middle East an Islamic Cultures.

18:15-20:00 ETH Main Building: Room E 22 Rämistrasse 101, 8006 Zürich