Charles Gleyre, Portrait of Baron Raffo, circa 1842-1843, oil on canvas, 275 x 163 cm. Tunis, Institut national du Patrimoine (INP), Ksar Saïd.
Les échanges de portraits de souverains dans la Tunisie beylicale (1847-1881). Une marque d’intégration dans le concert des nations ?
Alain Messaoudi
24.4.24, University of Geneva
In the early 1840s, the bey of Tunis, the governor of the Ottoman province of Tunis, found himself in a particular context: to the west, France was extending its occupation of Algiers, which posed a threat to Tunis's autonomy; to the east, from Istanbul, the sultan, to whom the bey continued to owe allegiance, was pursuing his reform policy. The bey and his Mamluk ministers' alliance strategy was now accompanied by the reception and dispatch of portraits. Alain Messaoudi's lecture will focus on these objects and the meanings attributed to them.
More info here.